Monday, February 7, 2011

Project Life - week five

Week Five

Boy what a week we had last week. The blizzard that came through was ranked the third in the top ten blizzards of Chicago. After all was said and done we got 20.2 inches of snow. It was a tough week with the snow. It took all of us an hour and a half just to clear off our drive way (let's just say our drive way isn't that big it usually only takes 15 mins. tops to clear it normally). The kids loved it they got two days off of school because of the blizzard. My daughter has three snow forts that are taller than her in our back yard. We had to shovel a path for our dog so she could go outside because she would of been lost in the snow if we didn't. To be totally honest it felt kind of like a mini vacation having everyone home. I was sorry to see them all go back to work and school.

This is the first week of my Project life book that I had to use an extra sheet protector in order to get all the photos in. I could of probably use one more but I tried to use an editing eye and cut back the number of pictures to put in the book.

Remember when I said last week I can't wait to see what next week brings? Well you are not going to see me type those words again until spring (hee hee). Until next week, thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Carrie, I loved looking at all the pictures of snow. (I'm all sweaty from hanging out the washing ugh!) I really want to experience snow some day, but maybe not that much. We got our goldfish today & I'm waiting for Em to come home & see it xoxoxo


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